Max turning dia: 550mm Max turning length: 1020mm Spindle speeds: Twin spindle both with C axis speeds to 5000rpm Hollow spindle: 65mm on both spindles Turret type & No of tool stations: Upper turret + - 120 deg / 10000rpm, 40 ATC Tailstock (YorN): N Subspindle, lower turret 12 station all driven No. of axes: 9 Bar, Chucking or both (?): Both CNC Control system (make & model): Fanuc 18iTB Total Power HP/KW: 81kVa.
Maximum swing 525mm dia. Maximum Cutting Diameter 356mm. Maximum Cutting Length 483mm.Bar capacity 51mm.10 station turret. Spindle speed 4,800 rpm. Spindle nose A2-6. Spindle power 16 kW. X travel 203mm. Z travel 508mm. Tailstock. Toolsetter. Swarf...